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Welcome to HeHoT Bros Entertainment! Everything and anything relating to HeHoT BroS Entertainment can be found right here. Home of The Woody Woo Show, request DJ Services, find out when our next event will be, and original EDM tracks all are offered here. ENJOY!!!


HOME  -  You are here.

BIO  -  Who we are.

NEWS  -  Any updates from HeHoT BroS Entertainment will be posted here.

DJ SERVICES  -  Info on how to request our DJ services.

THE WOODY WOO SHOW  -  HeHoT BroS Entertainment presents The Woody Woo Show on YouTube.

TRACKS  -  Our original produced tracks can be found here.

EVENTS  -  All previous and upcoming events can be found here.

PICTURES  -  Pictures taken at our events can be found here.

DIRECTIONS  -  Directions to the next upcoming event can be found here.

FEEDBACK  -  Drop us a line, we enjoy hearing from you guys.

CONTACT  -  All the HeHoT BroS Entetainment members contact info can be found here.