October 7th 2011
The website has gone through a few changes due to the fact that so much is going on right now. We are now available for DJ Services. Just contact one of us on the Contact page. And we have started posting The Woody Woo Show on YouTube. Its pretty hilarious so check it out and Subscribe!! You can check it out on YouTube or on here under The Woody Woo Show page. We have our Bio section to tell you all who is associated with HeHoT BroS Entertainment. And we also aded the Tracks tab so you can check out any or our new EDM tracks via Soundcloud. Hope you check back with us often, and leave feedback, we love to hear from you! Enjoy!!
May 30th 2011
Land of the Free Home of the BASS was a huge sucess!!! We didn't expect that many people to come out and thank you to everyone that showed up, even though we reached capacity rather early and some people got turned away. Special thanks to Dirrty Nitrous who threw down an amazing open deck set, and thanks to all the other DJ's who played. Another thank you goes out to MBW a.k.a. DJ Embee a.k.a. MAKOOL for spending his hard earned money on all that equipment and lighting for a free party. Pictures are posted in the pictures tab if you guys would like to check out the pictures. Check back with this site to find out when the next one is, it should be somewhere near the end of June. Thanks again and I hope everyone had fun!!!
May 10th 2011
The first HeHoT party of the summer is almost here. Make you sure you mark this one down on your calendars. This is a FREE EVENT!!! So there's no reason not to come, amirite? Party with the HeHoT BroS all summer long!
Land of the Free Home of the BASS
Saturday May 28th 2011 4PM - 6AM
18+ to enter 21+ BYOB
Camping, Grilling & Carpooling STRONGLY encouraged
Sound provided by DJ Embee
Directions will be posted 2 days before the event under the Directions tab, so make sure you check back!
DJ Embee
J-Wet & McLovin
Dvous & Mikey Peelmore
Twitch Effect
DJ Bluntsworth
DJ Iceburg
Open Decks???